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QXmppRosterManager Class Reference

The QXmppRosterManager class provides access to a connected client's roster. More...

#include <QXmppRosterManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for QXmppRosterManager:
QXmppClientExtension QXmppLoggable

Public Slots

bool acceptSubscription (const QString &bareJid, const QString &reason=QString())
bool refuseSubscription (const QString &bareJid, const QString &reason=QString())
bool addItem (const QString &bareJid, const QString &name=QString(), const QSet< QString > &groups=QSet< QString >())
bool removeItem (const QString &bareJid)
bool renameItem (const QString &bareJid, const QString &name)
bool subscribe (const QString &bareJid, const QString &reason=QString())
bool unsubscribe (const QString &bareJid, const QString &reason=QString())


void rosterReceived ()
void presenceChanged (const QString &bareJid, const QString &resource)
 This signal is emitted when the presence of a particular bareJid and resource changes.
void subscriptionReceived (const QString &bareJid)
void itemAdded (const QString &bareJid)
void itemChanged (const QString &bareJid)
void itemRemoved (const QString &bareJid)

Public Member Functions

 QXmppRosterManager (QXmppClient *stream)
 Constructs a roster manager.
bool isRosterReceived () const
QStringList getRosterBareJids () const
QXmppRosterIq::Item getRosterEntry (const QString &bareJid) const
QStringList getResources (const QString &bareJid) const
QMap< QString, QXmppPresencegetAllPresencesForBareJid (const QString &bareJid) const
QXmppPresence getPresence (const QString &bareJid, const QString &resource) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QXmppClientExtension
 QXmppClientExtension ()
virtual ~QXmppClientExtension ()
virtual QStringList discoveryFeatures () const
virtual QList
< QXmppDiscoveryIq::Identity > 
discoveryIdentities () const
virtual bool handleStanza (const QDomElement &stanza)=0
 You need to implement this method to process incoming XMPP stanzas.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QXmppLoggable
 QXmppLoggable (QObject *parent=0)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from QXmppClientExtension
QXmppClientclient ()
virtual void setClient (QXmppClient *client)

Detailed Description

The QXmppRosterManager class provides access to a connected client's roster.

It's object should not be created using it's constructor. Instead QXmppClient::rosterManager() should be used to get the reference of instantiated object this class.

It stores all the Roster and Presence details of all the roster entries (that is all the bareJids) in the client's friend's list. It provides the functionality to get all the bareJids in the client's roster and Roster and Presence details of the same.

After the successful xmpp connection that after the signal QXmppClient::connected() is emitted QXmpp requests for getting the roster. Once QXmpp receives the roster the signal QXmppRosterManager::rosterReceived() is emitted and after that user can use the functions of this class to get roster entries.

Function QXmppRosterManager::isRosterReceived() tells whether the roster has been received or not.

The itemAdded(), itemChanged() and itemRemoved() signals are emitted whenever roster entries are added, changed or removed.

The presenceChanged() signal is emitted whenever the presence for a roster item changes.

Member Function Documentation

bool QXmppRosterManager::acceptSubscription ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  reason = QString() 

Accepts a subscription request.

You can call this method in reply to the subscriptionRequest() signal.

bool QXmppRosterManager::addItem ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  name = QString(),
const QSet< QString > &  groups = QSet<QString>() 

Adds a new item to the roster without sending any subscription requests.

As a result, the server will initiate a roster push, causing the itemAdded() or itemChanged() signal to be emitted.

nameOptional name for the item.
groupsOptional groups for the item.
QMap< QString, QXmppPresence > QXmppRosterManager::getAllPresencesForBareJid ( const QString &  bareJid) const

Get all the presences of all the resources of the given bareJid. A bareJid can have multiple resources and each resource will have a presence associated with it.

bareJidas a QString
Map of resource and its respective presence QMap<QString, QXmppPresence>
QXmppPresence QXmppRosterManager::getPresence ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  resource 
) const

Get the presence of the given resource of the given bareJid.

bareJidas a QString
resourceas a QString
QStringList QXmppRosterManager::getResources ( const QString &  bareJid) const

Get all the associated resources with the given bareJid.

bareJidas a QString
list of associated resources as a QStringList
QStringList QXmppRosterManager::getRosterBareJids ( ) const

Function to get all the bareJids present in the roster.

QStringList list of all the bareJids
QXmppRosterIq::Item QXmppRosterManager::getRosterEntry ( const QString &  bareJid) const

Returns the roster entry of the given bareJid. If the bareJid is not in the database and empty QXmppRosterIq::Item will be returned.

bareJidas a QString
bool QXmppRosterManager::isRosterReceived ( ) const

Function to check whether the roster has been received or not.

true if roster received else false
void QXmppRosterManager::itemAdded ( const QString &  bareJid)

This signal is emitted when the roster entry of a particular bareJid is added as a result of roster push.

void QXmppRosterManager::itemChanged ( const QString &  bareJid)

This signal is emitted when the roster entry of a particular bareJid changes as a result of roster push.

void QXmppRosterManager::itemRemoved ( const QString &  bareJid)

This signal is emitted when the roster entry of a particular bareJid is removed as a result of roster push.

bool QXmppRosterManager::refuseSubscription ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  reason = QString() 

Refuses a subscription request.

You can call this method in reply to the subscriptionRequest() signal.

bool QXmppRosterManager::removeItem ( const QString &  bareJid)

Removes a roster item and cancels subscriptions to and from the contact.

As a result, the server will initiate a roster push, causing the itemRemoved() signal to be emitted.

bool QXmppRosterManager::renameItem ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  name 

Renames a roster item.

As a result, the server will initiate a roster push, causing the itemChanged() signal to be emitted.

void QXmppRosterManager::rosterReceived ( )

This signal is emitted when the Roster IQ is received after a successful connection. That is the roster entries are empty before this signal is emitted. One should use getRosterBareJids() and getRosterEntry() only after this signal has been emitted.

bool QXmppRosterManager::subscribe ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  reason = QString() 

Requests a subscription to the given contact.

As a result, the server will initiate a roster push, causing the itemAdded() or itemChanged() signal to be emitted.

void QXmppRosterManager::subscriptionReceived ( const QString &  bareJid)

This signal is emitted when a contact asks to subscribe to your presence.

You can either accept the request by calling acceptSubscription() or refuse it by calling refuseSubscription().

If you set QXmppConfiguration::autoAcceptSubscriptions() to true, this signal will not be emitted.
bool QXmppRosterManager::unsubscribe ( const QString &  bareJid,
const QString &  reason = QString() 

Removes a subscription to the given contact.

As a result, the server will initiate a roster push, causing the itemChanged() signal to be emitted.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: