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QXmppConfiguration Class Reference

The QXmppConfiguration class holds configuration options. More...

#include <QXmppConfiguration.h>

Public Types

enum  StreamSecurityMode { TLSEnabled = 0, TLSDisabled, TLSRequired }
enum  NonSASLAuthMechanism { NonSASLPlain = 0, NonSASLDigest }

Public Member Functions

 QXmppConfiguration ()
 Creates a QXmppConfiguration object.
 QXmppConfiguration (const QXmppConfiguration &other)
 Creates a copy of other.
 ~QXmppConfiguration ()
QXmppConfigurationoperator= (const QXmppConfiguration &other)
 Assigns other to this QXmppConfiguration.
QString host () const
void setHost (const QString &)
QString domain () const
void setDomain (const QString &)
int port () const
void setPort (int)
QString user () const
void setUser (const QString &)
QString password () const
void setPassword (const QString &)
QString resource () const
void setResource (const QString &)
QString jid () const
void setJid (const QString &jid)
QString jidBare () const
QString facebookAccessToken () const
 Returns the access token used for X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM authentication.
void setFacebookAccessToken (const QString &)
QString facebookAppId () const
 Returns the application ID used for X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM authentication.
void setFacebookAppId (const QString &)
QString googleAccessToken () const
 Returns the access token used for X-OAUTH2 authentication.
void setGoogleAccessToken (const QString &accessToken)
QString windowsLiveAccessToken () const
 Returns the access token used for X-MESSENGER-OAUTH2 authentication.
void setWindowsLiveAccessToken (const QString &accessToken)
bool autoAcceptSubscriptions () const
void setAutoAcceptSubscriptions (bool)
bool autoReconnectionEnabled () const
void setAutoReconnectionEnabled (bool)
bool useSASLAuthentication () const
 Returns whether to make use of SASL authentication.
void setUseSASLAuthentication (bool)
 Sets whether to make use of SASL authentication.
bool useNonSASLAuthentication () const
 Returns whether to make use of non-SASL authentication.
void setUseNonSASLAuthentication (bool)
 Sets whether to make use of non-SASL authentication.
bool ignoreSslErrors () const
void setIgnoreSslErrors (bool)
QXmppConfiguration::StreamSecurityMode streamSecurityMode () const
void setStreamSecurityMode (QXmppConfiguration::StreamSecurityMode mode)
QXmppConfiguration::NonSASLAuthMechanism nonSASLAuthMechanism () const
void setNonSASLAuthMechanism (QXmppConfiguration::NonSASLAuthMechanism)
QString saslAuthMechanism () const
void setSaslAuthMechanism (const QString &mechanism)
QNetworkProxy networkProxy () const
void setNetworkProxy (const QNetworkProxy &proxy)
int keepAliveInterval () const
void setKeepAliveInterval (int secs)
int keepAliveTimeout () const
void setKeepAliveTimeout (int secs)
QList< QSslCertificate > caCertificates () const
 Returns the a list of trusted CA certificates.
void setCaCertificates (const QList< QSslCertificate > &)
 Specifies a list of trusted CA certificates.

Detailed Description

The QXmppConfiguration class holds configuration options.

It can be passed to QXmppClient to specify the options when connecting to an XMPP server.

It is a container of all the settings, configuration required for connecting to an XMPP server. E.g. server name, username, port, type of authentication mechanism, type of security used by stream (encryption), etc..

Member Enumeration Documentation

An enumeration for various Non-SASL authentication mechanisms available. The server may or may not allow QXmppConfiguration::Plain mechanism. So specifying the mechanism is just a hint to the library.




Digest (default)

An enumeration for type of the Security Mode that is stream is encrypted or not. The server may or may not have TLS feature. Server may force the encryption. Depending upon all this user can specify following options.


Encryption is used if available (default)


No encryption is server allows.


Encryption is a must otherwise connection would not be established

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QXmppConfiguration::QXmppConfiguration ( )

Creates a QXmppConfiguration object.

An enumeration for various SASL authentication mechanisms available. The server may or may not allow any particular mechanism. So depending upon the availability of mechanisms on the server the library will choose a mechanism.

QXmppConfiguration::~QXmppConfiguration ( )

Destructor, destroys the QXmppConfiguration object.

Member Function Documentation

bool QXmppConfiguration::autoAcceptSubscriptions ( ) const

Returns the auto-accept-subscriptions-request configuration.

boolean value true means that auto-accept-subscriptions-request is enabled else disabled for false
bool QXmppConfiguration::autoReconnectionEnabled ( ) const

Returns the auto-reconnect-on-disconnection-on-error configuration.

boolean value true means that auto-reconnect is enabled else disabled for false
QString QXmppConfiguration::domain ( ) const

Returns the domain name.

domain name
QString QXmppConfiguration::host ( ) const

Returns the host name.

host name
bool QXmppConfiguration::ignoreSslErrors ( ) const

Returns whether SSL errors (such as certificate validation errors) are to be ignored when connecting to the XMPP server.

QString QXmppConfiguration::jid ( ) const

Returns the jabber id (jid).

jabber id (jid) (e.g. "qxmpp.test1@gmail.com/resource" or qxmpp.nosp@m.test.nosp@m.@jabb.nosp@m.er.o.nosp@m.rg/QXmpp156)
QString QXmppConfiguration::jidBare ( ) const

Returns the bare jabber id (jid), without the resource identifier.

bare jabber id (jid) (e.g. "qxmpp.test1@gmail.com" or qxmpp.nosp@m.test.nosp@m.@jabb.nosp@m.er.o.nosp@m.rg)
int QXmppConfiguration::keepAliveInterval ( ) const

Returns the keep alive interval in seconds.

The default value is 60 seconds.

int QXmppConfiguration::keepAliveTimeout ( ) const

Returns the keep alive timeout in seconds.

The default value is 20 seconds.

QNetworkProxy QXmppConfiguration::networkProxy ( ) const

Returns the specified network proxy. The default value is QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy that is the proxy is determined based on the application proxy set using QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy().

QXmppConfiguration::NonSASLAuthMechanism QXmppConfiguration::nonSASLAuthMechanism ( ) const

Returns the Non-SASL authentication mechanism configuration.

QString QXmppConfiguration::password ( ) const

Returns the password.

int QXmppConfiguration::port ( ) const

Returns the port number.

port number
QString QXmppConfiguration::resource ( ) const

Returns the resource identifier.

resource identifier
QString QXmppConfiguration::saslAuthMechanism ( ) const

Returns the preferred SASL authentication mechanism.

Default value: "DIGEST-MD5"

void QXmppConfiguration::setAutoAcceptSubscriptions ( bool  value)

Sets the auto-accept-subscriptions-request configuration.

valueboolean value true means that auto-accept-subscriptions-request is enabled else disabled for false
void QXmppConfiguration::setAutoReconnectionEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the auto-reconnect-on-disconnection-on-error configuration.

valueboolean value true means that auto-reconnect is enabled else disabled for false
void QXmppConfiguration::setDomain ( const QString &  domain)

Sets the domain name.

domainDomain name e.g. "gmail.com" and "jabber.org".
host name and domain name can be different for google domain name is gmail.com and host name is talk.google.com
void QXmppConfiguration::setFacebookAccessToken ( const QString &  accessToken)

Sets the access token used for X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM authentication.

This token is returned by Facebook at the end of the OAuth authentication process.

void QXmppConfiguration::setFacebookAppId ( const QString &  appId)

Sets the application ID used for X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM authentication.

void QXmppConfiguration::setGoogleAccessToken ( const QString &  accessToken)

Sets the access token used for X-OAUTH2 authentication.

This token is returned by Google at the end of the OAuth authentication process.

void QXmppConfiguration::setHost ( const QString &  host)

Sets the host name.

hosthost name of the XMPP server where connection has to be made (e.g. "jabber.org" and "talk.google.com"). It can also be an IP address in the form of a string (e.g. "").
void QXmppConfiguration::setIgnoreSslErrors ( bool  value)

Specifies whether SSL errors (such as certificate validation errors) are to be ignored when connecting to an XMPP server.

void QXmppConfiguration::setJid ( const QString &  jid)

Sets the JID. If a full JID (i.e. one with a resource) is given, calling this method will update the username, domain and resource. Otherwise, only the username and the domain will be updated.

void QXmppConfiguration::setKeepAliveInterval ( int  secs)

Specifies the interval in seconds at which keep alive (ping) packets will be sent to the server.

If set to zero, no keep alive packets will be sent.

The default value is 60 seconds.

void QXmppConfiguration::setKeepAliveTimeout ( int  secs)

Specifies the maximum time in seconds to wait for a keep alive response from the server before considering we are disconnected.

If set to zero or a value larger than the keep alive interval, no timeout will occur.

The default value is 20 seconds.

void QXmppConfiguration::setNetworkProxy ( const QNetworkProxy &  proxy)

Specifies the network proxy used for the connection made by QXmppClient. The default value is QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy that is the proxy is determined based on the application proxy set using QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy().

void QXmppConfiguration::setNonSASLAuthMechanism ( QXmppConfiguration::NonSASLAuthMechanism  mech)

Hints the library the Non-SASL authentication mechanism to be used for authentication.

void QXmppConfiguration::setPassword ( const QString &  password)

Sets the password.

passwordPassword for the specified username
void QXmppConfiguration::setPort ( int  port)

Sets the port number.

portPort number at which the XMPP server is listening. The default value is 5222.
void QXmppConfiguration::setResource ( const QString &  resource)

Sets the resource identifier.

Multiple resources (e.g., devices or locations) may connect simultaneously to a server on behalf of each authorized client, with each resource differentiated by the resource identifier of an XMPP address (e.g. node@domain/home vs. node@domain/work)

The default value is "QXmpp".

resourceResource identifier of the client in connection.
void QXmppConfiguration::setSaslAuthMechanism ( const QString &  mechanism)

Sets the preferred SASL authentication mechanism.


void QXmppConfiguration::setStreamSecurityMode ( QXmppConfiguration::StreamSecurityMode  mode)

Specifies the specified security mode for the stream. The default value is QXmppConfiguration::TLSEnabled.

void QXmppConfiguration::setUser ( const QString &  user)

Sets the username.

userUsername of the account at the specified XMPP server. It should be the name without the domain name. E.g. "qxmpp.test1" and not "qxmpp.test1@gmail.com"
void QXmppConfiguration::setWindowsLiveAccessToken ( const QString &  accessToken)

Sets the access token used for X-MESSENGER-OAUTH2 authentication.

This token is returned by Windows Live at the end of the OAuth authentication process.

QXmppConfiguration::StreamSecurityMode QXmppConfiguration::streamSecurityMode ( ) const

Returns the specified security mode for the stream. The default value is QXmppConfiguration::TLSEnabled.

QString QXmppConfiguration::user ( ) const

Returns the username.


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