QXmpp Version: 1.11.0
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QXmppPubSubManager Class Reference

The QXmppPubSubManager aims to provide publish-subscribe functionality as specified in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe (PubSub). More...

Inheritance diagram for QXmppPubSubManager:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QXmppPubSubManager:
Collaboration graph


struct  InvalidServiceType

Public Types

enum  ServiceType { PubSubOrPep , PubSub , Pep }
enum  StandardItemId { Current }
using Result = std::variant< QXmpp::Success, QXmppError >
using FeaturesResult = std::variant< QVector< QString >, InvalidServiceType, QXmppError >
using NodesResult = std::variant< QVector< QString >, QXmppError >
using InstantNodeResult = std::variant< QString, QXmppError >
template<typename T >
using ItemResult = std::variant< T, QXmppError >
template<typename T >
using ItemsResult = std::variant< Items< T >, QXmppError >
using ItemIdsResult = std::variant< QVector< QString >, QXmppError >
using PublishItemResult = std::variant< QString, QXmppError >
using PublishItemsResult = std::variant< QVector< QString >, QXmppError >
using SubscriptionsResult = std::variant< QVector< QXmppPubSubSubscription >, QXmppError >
using AffiliationsResult = std::variant< QVector< QXmppPubSubAffiliation >, QXmppError >
using OptionsResult = std::variant< QXmppPubSubSubscribeOptions, QXmppError >
using NodeConfigResult = std::variant< QXmppPubSubNodeConfig, QXmppError >

Public Member Functions

 QXmppPubSubManager ()
 ~QXmppPubSubManager ()
QXmppTask< NodesResultrequestNodes (const QString &jid)
QXmppTask< ResultcreateNode (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ResultcreateNode (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &config)
QXmppTask< InstantNodeResultcreateInstantNode (const QString &jid)
QXmppTask< InstantNodeResultcreateInstantNode (const QString &jid, const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &config)
QXmppTask< ResultdeleteNode (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ItemIdsResultrequestItemIds (const QString &serviceJid, const QString &nodeName)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemResult< T > > requestItem (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const QString &itemId)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemResult< T > > requestItem (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, StandardItemId itemId)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemsResult< T > > requestItems (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemsResult< T > > requestItems (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const QStringList &itemIds)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemResultpublishItem (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const T &item)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemResultpublishItem (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const T &item, const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &publishOptions)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemsResultpublishItems (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const QVector< T > &items)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemsResultpublishItems (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const QVector< T > &items, const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &publishOptions)
QXmppTask< ResultretractItem (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, const QString &itemId)
QXmppTask< ResultretractItem (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName, StandardItemId itemId)
QXmppTask< ResultpurgeItems (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< SubscriptionsResultrequestSubscriptions (const QString &jid)
QXmppTask< SubscriptionsResultrequestSubscriptions (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< AffiliationsResultrequestNodeAffiliations (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< AffiliationsResultrequestAffiliations (const QString &jid)
QXmppTask< AffiliationsResultrequestAffiliations (const QString &jid, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< OptionsResultrequestSubscribeOptions (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< OptionsResultrequestSubscribeOptions (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName, const QString &subscriberJid)
QXmppTask< ResultsetSubscribeOptions (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName, const QXmppPubSubSubscribeOptions &options)
QXmppTask< ResultsetSubscribeOptions (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName, const QXmppPubSubSubscribeOptions &options, const QString &subscriberJid)
QXmppTask< NodeConfigResultrequestNodeConfiguration (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ResultconfigureNode (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName, const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &config)
QXmppTask< ResultcancelNodeConfiguration (const QString &service, const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ResultsubscribeToNode (const QString &serviceJid, const QString &nodeName, const QString &subscriberJid)
QXmppTask< ResultunsubscribeFromNode (const QString &serviceJid, const QString &nodeName, const QString &subscriberJid)
QXmppTask< NodesResultrequestOwnPepNodes ()
QXmppTask< ResultcreateOwnPepNode (const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ResultcreateOwnPepNode (const QString &nodeName, const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &config)
QXmppTask< ResultdeleteOwnPepNode (const QString &nodeName)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemResult< T > > requestOwnPepItem (const QString &nodeName, const QString &itemId)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemResult< T > > requestOwnPepItem (const QString &nodeName, StandardItemId itemId)
template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppTask< ItemsResult< T > > requestOwnPepItems (const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ItemIdsResultrequestOwnPepItemIds (const QString &nodeName)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemResultpublishOwnPepItem (const QString &nodeName, const T &item, const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &publishOptions)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemResultpublishOwnPepItem (const QString &nodeName, const T &item)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemsResultpublishOwnPepItems (const QString &nodeName, const QVector< T > &items, const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &publishOptions)
template<typename T >
QXmppTask< PublishItemsResultpublishOwnPepItems (const QString &nodeName, const QVector< T > &items)
QXmppTask< ResultretractOwnPepItem (const QString &nodeName, const QString &itemId)
QXmppTask< ResultretractOwnPepItem (const QString &nodeName, StandardItemId itemId)
QXmppTask< ResultpurgeOwnPepItems (const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< NodeConfigResultrequestOwnPepNodeConfiguration (const QString &nodeName)
QXmppTask< ResultconfigureOwnPepNode (const QString &nodeName, const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &config)
QXmppTask< ResultcancelOwnPepNodeConfiguration (const QString &nodeName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QXmppClientExtension
 QXmppClientExtension ()
virtual QStringList discoveryFeatures () const
virtual QList< QXmppDiscoveryIq::IdentitydiscoveryIdentities () const
virtual bool handleStanza (const QDomElement &stanza)
 You need to implement this method to process incoming XMPP stanzas.
virtual bool handleStanza (const QDomElement &stanza, const std::optional< QXmppE2eeMetadata > &e2eeMetadata)
 You need to implement this method to process incoming XMPP stanzas.
- Public Member Functions inherited from QXmppLoggable
 QXmppLoggable (QObject *parent=nullptr)

Static Public Member Functions

static QString standardItemIdToString (StandardItemId itemId)


class tst_QXmppPubSubManager
class QXmppOmemoManagerPrivate

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from QXmppLoggable
void setGauge (const QString &gauge, double value)
 Sets the given gauge to value.
void logMessage (QXmppLogger::MessageType type, const QString &msg)
 This signal is emitted to send logging messages.
void updateCounter (const QString &counter, qint64 amount=1)
 Updates the given counter by amount.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QXmppClientExtension
QXmppClientclient () const
virtual void setClient (QXmppClient *client)
virtual void onRegistered (QXmppClient *client)
virtual void onUnregistered (QXmppClient *client)
void injectIq (const QDomElement &element, const std::optional< QXmppE2eeMetadata > &e2eeMetadata)
bool injectMessage (QXmppMessage &&message)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QXmppLoggable
void debug (const QString &message)
void info (const QString &message)
void warning (const QString &message)
void logReceived (const QString &message)
void logSent (const QString &message)

Detailed Description

The QXmppPubSubManager aims to provide publish-subscribe functionality as specified in XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe (PubSub).

However, it currently only supports a few PubSub use cases but all of the XEP-0060: Personal Eventing Protocol (PEP) ones. PEP allows a standard XMPP user account to function as a virtual PubSub service.

To make use of this manager, you need to instantiate it and load it into the QXmppClient instance as follows:

QXmppClient * client() const
Definition QXmppClientExtension.cpp:57
bool addExtension(QXmppClientExtension *extension)
Registers a new extension with the client.
Definition QXmppClient.cpp:376
The QXmppPubSubManager aims to provide publish-subscribe functionality as specified in XEP-0060: Publ...
Definition QXmppPubSubManager.h:21
Definition QXmppPubSubManager.cpp:191
To subscribe to PEP event notifications use the QXmppClientExtension::discoveryFeatures method of your client extension according to section 9.2 of XEP-0060. For example:
QStringList YourExtension::discoveryFeatures() const
return { "http://jabber.org/protocol/tune+notify" };
QXmpp 1.5

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AffiliationsResult

Contains the list of affiliations with the node(s) (QVector<QXmppPubSubAffiliation>) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ FeaturesResult

Type containing service discovery features, InvalidServiceType if the service is not of the desired type or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ InstantNodeResult

Contains the name of the new node (QString) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ ItemIdsResult

Contains all item IDs that have been found (QVector<QString>) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ ItemResult

template<typename T >

Contains the item if it has been found (std::optional<T>) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ ItemsResult

template<typename T >

Contains all items that have been found (QVector<T>) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ NodeConfigResult

Contains a node configuration (QXmppPubSubNodeConfig) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ NodesResult

Type containing a list of node names or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ OptionsResult

Contains the current subscribe options (QXmppPubSubSubscribeOptions) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ PublishItemResult

Contains the ID of the item, if no ID was set in the request (QString) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ PublishItemsResult

Contains the IDs of the items, if no IDs were set in the request (QVector<QString>) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

◆ Result

Result of a generic request without a return value. Contains Success in case everything went well. If the returned IQ contained an error a QXmppStanza::Error is reported.

◆ SubscriptionsResult

Contains a list of active subscriptions (QVector<QXmppPubSubSubscription>) or the returned IQ error (QXmppStanza::Error).

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ServiceType

Type of PubSub service


PubSub service or PEP service.


PubSub service only.


PEP service only.

◆ StandardItemId

Pre-defined ID of a PubSub item


Item of a singleton node (i.e., the node's single item)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QXmppPubSubManager()

QXmppPubSubManager::QXmppPubSubManager ( )

Default constructor.

◆ ~QXmppPubSubManager()

QXmppPubSubManager::~QXmppPubSubManager ( )

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ cancelNodeConfiguration()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::Result > QXmppPubSubManager::cancelNodeConfiguration ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName 

Cancels the configuration process and uses the default or exisiting configuration.

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
See also

◆ cancelOwnPepNodeConfiguration()

QXmppPubSubManager::cancelOwnPepNodeConfiguration ( const QString &  nodeName)

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling cancelNodeConfiguration() the current account's bare JID.

nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
See also

◆ configureNode()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::Result > QXmppPubSubManager::configureNode ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &  config 

Sets a node configuration.

Requires owner privileges. You can use requestNodeConfiguration() to receive a data form with all valid options and default values.

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
See also

◆ configureOwnPepNode()

QXmppPubSubManager::configureOwnPepNode ( const QString &  nodeName,
const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &  config 

Sets a node configuration.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling configureNode() the current account's bare JID.

nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
See also

◆ createInstantNode() [1/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::InstantNodeResult > QXmppPubSubManager::createInstantNode ( const QString &  jid)

Creates an instant pubsub node with the default configuration.

The pubsub service automatically generates a random node name. On success it is returned via the QFuture.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service

◆ createInstantNode() [2/2]

auto QXmppPubSubManager::createInstantNode ( const QString &  jid,
const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &  config 

Creates an instant pubsub node with a custom configuration.

The pubsub service automatically generates a random node name. On success it is returned via the QFuture.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
configThe configuration for the node

◆ createNode() [1/2]

auto QXmppPubSubManager::createNode ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Creates an empty pubsub node with the default configuration.

Calling this before QXmppPubSubManager::publishItems is usually not necessary when publishing to a node for the first time if the service suppports the auto-create feature (Section 7.1.4 of XEP-0060).

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to be created

◆ createNode() [2/2]

auto QXmppPubSubManager::createNode ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &  config 

Creates an empty pubsub node with a custom configuration.

Calling this before QXmppPubSubManager::publishItems is usually not necessary when publishing to a node for the first time if the service suppports the auto-create feature (Section 7.1.4 of XEP-0060).

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to be created
configThe configuration for the node

◆ createOwnPepNode() [1/2]

QXmppTask< Result > QXmppPubSubManager::createOwnPepNode ( const QString &  nodeName)

Creates an empty PEP node with the default configuration.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::createNode on the current account's bare JID.

Calling this before QXmppPubSubManager::publishOwnPepItems is usually not necessary when publishing to a node for the first time if the service suppports the auto-create feature (Section 7.1.4 of XEP-0060).

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to be created

◆ createOwnPepNode() [2/2]

QXmppTask< Result > QXmppPubSubManager::createOwnPepNode ( const QString &  nodeName,
const QXmppPubSubNodeConfig &  config 

Creates an empty PEP node with a custom configuration.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::createNode on the current account's bare JID.

Calling this before QXmppPubSubManager::publishOwnPepItems is usually not necessary when publishing to a node for the first time if the service suppports the auto-create feature (Section 7.1.4 of XEP-0060).

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to be created
configThe configuration for the node

◆ deleteNode()

auto QXmppPubSubManager::deleteNode ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Deletes a pubsub node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to delete along with all of its items

◆ deleteOwnPepNode()

QXmppPubSubManager::deleteOwnPepNode ( const QString &  nodeName)

Deletes a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::deleteNode on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to delete along with all of its items

◆ publishItem() [1/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishItem ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const T &  item 

Publishs one item to a pubsub node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::publishItem with no publish options.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to publish the item to
itemthe item to publish

◆ publishItem() [2/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishItem ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const T &  item,
const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &  publishOptions 

Publishs one item to a pubsub node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::publishItem with no publish options.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to publish the item to
itemthe item to publish
publishOptionspublish-options for the items

◆ publishItems() [1/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishItems ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QVector< T > &  items 

Publishs items to a pubsub node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to publish the items to
itemsthe items to publish

◆ publishItems() [2/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishItems ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QVector< T > &  items,
const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &  publishOptions 

Publishs items to a pubsub node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to publish the items to
itemsthe items to publish
publishOptionspublish-options for the items

◆ publishOwnPepItem() [1/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishOwnPepItem ( const QString &  nodeName,
const T &  item 

Publishs one item to a PEP node.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to publish the item to
itemthe item to publish

◆ publishOwnPepItem() [2/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishOwnPepItem ( const QString &  nodeName,
const T &  item,
const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &  publishOptions 

Publishs one item to a PEP node.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to publish the item to
itemthe item to publish
publishOptionspublish-options for fine tuning

◆ publishOwnPepItems() [1/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishOwnPepItems ( const QString &  nodeName,
const QVector< T > &  items 

Publishs items to a PEP node.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to publish the items to
itemsthe items to publish

◆ publishOwnPepItems() [2/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::PublishItemsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::publishOwnPepItems ( const QString &  nodeName,
const QVector< T > &  items,
const QXmppPubSubPublishOptions &  publishOptions 

Publishs items to a PEP node.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to publish the items to
itemsthe items to publish
publishOptionspublish-options for fine tuning (optional). Pass an empty form to honor the default options of the PEP node

◆ purgeItems()

auto QXmppPubSubManager::purgeItems ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Purges all items from a node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to delete along with all of its items

◆ purgeOwnPepItems()

QXmppPubSubManager::purgeOwnPepItems ( const QString &  nodeName)

Purges all items from a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::purgeItems on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to delete along with all of its items

◆ requestAffiliations() [1/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::AffiliationsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestAffiliations ( const QString &  jid)

Requests the user's affiliations with all PubSub nodes on a PubSub service.

jidJID of the pubsub service

◆ requestAffiliations() [2/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::AffiliationsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestAffiliations ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests the user's affiliations with a PubSub node.

jidJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service.

◆ requestItem() [1/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::ItemResult< T > > QXmppPubSubManager::requestItem ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  itemId 

Requests a specific item of an entity's node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service. For PEP this should be an account's bare JID
nodeNamethe name of the node to query
itemIdthe ID of the item to retrieve

◆ requestItem() [2/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::ItemResult< T > > QXmppPubSubManager::requestItem ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
StandardItemId  itemId 

Requests a specific item of an entity's node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service. For PEP this should be an account's bare JID
nodeNamethe name of the node to query
itemIdthe ID of the item to retrieve

◆ requestItemIds()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::ItemIdsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestItemIds ( const QString &  serviceJid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests the IDs of all items of a pubsub service node via service discovery.

This uses a XEP-0030: Service Discovery items request to get a list of items.

serviceJidJID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node whose items are requested

◆ requestItems() [1/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::ItemsResult< T > > QXmppPubSubManager::requestItems ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests all items of an entity's node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service. For PEP this should be an account's bare JID
nodeNamethe name of the node to query

◆ requestItems() [2/2]

template<typename T >
QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::ItemsResult< T > > QXmppPubSubManager::requestItems ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QStringList &  itemIds 

Requests items of an entity's node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service. For PEP this should be an account's bare JID
nodeNamethe name of the node to query
itemIdsthe IDs of the items to retrieve. If empty, retrieves all items

◆ requestNodeAffiliations()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::AffiliationsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestNodeAffiliations ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests the affiliations of all users on a PubSub node.

This can be used to view and manage affiliations of other users with a node. Owner privileges are required.

jidJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service.

◆ requestNodeConfiguration()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::NodeConfigResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestNodeConfiguration ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests the node configuration and starts the configuration process.

Requires owner privileges. If the result is successful (a node config form has been returned) this starts the configuration process. The next step is to call configureNode() or cancelNodeConfiguration().

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
See also

◆ requestNodes()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::NodesResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestNodes ( const QString &  jid)

Requests all listed nodes of a pubsub service via service discovery.

This uses a XEP-0030: Service Discovery items request to get a list of nodes.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service

◆ requestOwnPepItem() [1/2]

template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppPubSubManager::requestOwnPepItem ( const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  itemId 

Requests a specific item of a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::requestItem on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamename of the PEP node whose item is requested
itemIdID of the requested item

◆ requestOwnPepItem() [2/2]

template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppPubSubManager::requestOwnPepItem ( const QString &  nodeName,
StandardItemId  itemId 

Requests a specific item of a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::requestItem on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamename of the PEP node whose item is requested
itemIdID of the requested item

◆ requestOwnPepItemIds()

QXmppPubSubManager::requestOwnPepItemIds ( const QString &  nodeName)

Requests the IDs of all items of a pubsub service node via service discovery.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::requestItemIds on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamename of the PEP node whose item IDs are requested

◆ requestOwnPepItems()

template<typename T = QXmppPubSubBaseItem>
QXmppPubSubManager::requestOwnPepItems ( const QString &  nodeName)

Requests all items of a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::requestItems on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamename of the PEP node whose items are requested

◆ requestOwnPepNodeConfiguration()

QXmppPubSubManager::requestOwnPepNodeConfiguration ( const QString &  nodeName)

Requests the node configuration and starts the configuration process.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling requestNodeConfiguration() the current account's bare JID.

nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
See also

◆ requestOwnPepNodes()

QXmppPubSubManager::requestOwnPepNodes ( )

Requests all listed nodes of the own PEP service via service discovery.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::fetchNodes on the current account's bare JID.

◆ requestSubscribeOptions() [1/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::OptionsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestSubscribeOptions ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests the subscribe options form of the own subscription to a node.

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service.

◆ requestSubscribeOptions() [2/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::OptionsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestSubscribeOptions ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  subscriberJid 

Requests the subscribe options form of a user's subscription to a node.

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
subscriberJidJID of the user to request the options for

◆ requestSubscriptions() [1/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::SubscriptionsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestSubscriptions ( const QString &  jid)

Requests all subscriptions with a PubSub service.

jidJID of the pubsub service

◆ requestSubscriptions() [2/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::SubscriptionsResult > QXmppPubSubManager::requestSubscriptions ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName 

Requests the subscription(s) with a specific PubSub node.

jidJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the node on the pubsub service

◆ retractItem() [1/2]

auto QXmppPubSubManager::retractItem ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  itemId 

Deletes an item from a pubsub node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to delete the item from
itemIdthe ID of the item to delete

◆ retractItem() [2/2]

auto QXmppPubSubManager::retractItem ( const QString &  jid,
const QString &  nodeName,
StandardItemId  itemId 

Deletes an item from a pubsub node.

jidJabber ID of the entity hosting the pubsub service
nodeNamethe name of the node to delete the item from
itemIdthe ID of the item to delete

◆ retractOwnPepItem() [1/2]

QXmppPubSubManager::retractOwnPepItem ( const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  itemId 

Deletes an item from a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::retractItem on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to delete the item from
itemIdthe ID of the item to delete

◆ retractOwnPepItem() [2/2]

QXmppPubSubManager::retractOwnPepItem ( const QString &  nodeName,
StandardItemId  itemId 

Deletes an item from a PEP node.

This is a convenience method equivalent to calling QXmppPubSubManager::retractItem on the current account's bare JID.

nodeNamethe name of the PEP node to delete the item from
itemIdthe ID of the item to delete

◆ setSubscribeOptions() [1/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::Result > QXmppPubSubManager::setSubscribeOptions ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QXmppPubSubSubscribeOptions &  options 

Sets the subscription options for our own account.

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
optionsThe new options to be set

◆ setSubscribeOptions() [2/2]

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::Result > QXmppPubSubManager::setSubscribeOptions ( const QString &  service,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QXmppPubSubSubscribeOptions &  options,
const QString &  subscriberJid 

Sets the subscription options for another users's account.

serviceJID of the pubsub service
nodeNameName of the pubsub node on the service
optionsThe new options to be set
subscriberJidThe JID of the user

◆ standardItemIdToString()

QString QXmppPubSubManager::standardItemIdToString ( StandardItemId  itemId)

Returns a standard item ID string.

itemIdstandard item ID to be translated
the item ID string or a default-constructed string if there is no corresponding one

◆ subscribeToNode()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::Result > QXmppPubSubManager::subscribeToNode ( const QString &  serviceJid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  subscriberJid 

Subscribes to a node.

serviceJidJID of the pubsub service
nodeNamename of the pubsub node being subscribed
subscriberJidbare or full JID of the subscriber

◆ unsubscribeFromNode()

QXmppTask< QXmppPubSubManager::Result > QXmppPubSubManager::unsubscribeFromNode ( const QString &  serviceJid,
const QString &  nodeName,
const QString &  subscriberJid 

Unsubscribes from a node.

serviceJidJID of the pubsub service
nodeNamename of the pubsub node being subscribed
subscriberJidbare or full JID of the subscriber

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: