QXmpp Version: 1.5.6
This is the complete list of members for QXmppAtmManager, including all inherited members.
addKeys(const QString &encryption, const QString &keyOwnerJid, const QList< QByteArray > &keyIds, QXmpp::TrustLevel trustLevel=QXmpp::TrustLevel::AutomaticallyDistrusted) | QXmppTrustManager | |
authenticate(const QString &encryption, const QMultiHash< QString, QByteArray > &keyIds) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
client() | QXmppClientExtension | protected |
debug(const QString &message) | QXmppLoggable | inlineprotected |
discoveryFeatures() const | QXmppClientExtension | virtual |
discoveryIdentities() const | QXmppClientExtension | virtual |
distrust(const QString &encryption, const QMultiHash< QString, QByteArray > &keyIds) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
distrustAutomaticallyTrustedKeys(const QString &encryption, const QList< QString > &keyOwnerJids) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
handleMessage(const QXmppMessage &message) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
handleStanza(const QDomElement &stanza) | QXmppClientExtension | virtual |
handleStanza(const QDomElement &stanza, const std::optional< QXmppE2eeMetadata > &e2eeMetadata) | QXmppClientExtension | virtual |
hasKey(const QString &encryption, const QString &keyOwnerJid, QXmpp::TrustLevels trustLevels) | QXmppTrustManager | |
info(const QString &message) | QXmppLoggable | inlineprotected |
injectIq(const QDomElement &element, const std::optional< QXmppE2eeMetadata > &e2eeMetadata) | QXmppClientExtension | protected |
injectMessage(QXmppMessage &&message) | QXmppClientExtension | protected |
keys(const QString &encryption, QXmpp::TrustLevels trustLevels={}) | QXmppTrustManager | |
keys(const QString &encryption, const QList< QString > &keyOwnerJids, QXmpp::TrustLevels trustLevels={}) | QXmppTrustManager | |
logMessage(QXmppLogger::MessageType type, const QString &msg) | QXmppLoggable | signal |
logReceived(const QString &message) | QXmppLoggable | inlineprotected |
logSent(const QString &message) | QXmppLoggable | inlineprotected |
makePostponedTrustDecisions(const QString &encryption, const QList< QByteArray > &senderKeyIds) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
makeTrustDecisions(const QString &encryption, const QString &keyOwnerJid, const QList< QByteArray > &keyIdsForAuthentication, const QList< QByteArray > &keyIdsForDistrusting={}) | QXmppAtmManager | |
makeTrustDecisions(const QString &encryption, const QMultiHash< QString, QByteArray > &keyIdsForAuthentication, const QMultiHash< QString, QByteArray > &keyIdsForDistrusting) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
ownKey(const QString &encryption) | QXmppTrustManager | |
QXmppAtmManager(QXmppAtmTrustStorage *trustStorage) | QXmppAtmManager | |
QXmppClientExtension() | QXmppClientExtension | |
QXmppLoggable(QObject *parent=nullptr) | QXmppLoggable | |
QXmppTrustManager(QXmppTrustStorage *trustStorage) | QXmppTrustManager | |
removeKeys(const QString &encryption, const QList< QByteArray > &keyIds) | QXmppTrustManager | |
removeKeys(const QString &encryption, const QString &keyOwnerJid) | QXmppTrustManager | |
removeKeys(const QString &encryption) | QXmppTrustManager | |
resetAll(const QString &encryption) | QXmppTrustManager | |
resetOwnKey(const QString &encryption) | QXmppTrustManager | |
resetSecurityPolicy(const QString &encryption) | QXmppTrustManager | |
securityPolicy(const QString &encryption) | QXmppTrustManager | |
sendTrustMessage(const QString &encryption, const QList< QXmppTrustMessageKeyOwner > &keyOwners, const QString &recipientJid) | QXmppAtmManager | protected |
setClient(QXmppClient *client) | QXmppClientExtension | protectedvirtual |
setGauge(const QString &gauge, double value) | QXmppLoggable | signal |
setOwnKey(const QString &encryption, const QByteArray &keyId) | QXmppTrustManager | |
setSecurityPolicy(const QString &encryption, QXmpp::TrustSecurityPolicy securityPolicy) | QXmppTrustManager | |
setTrustLevel(const QString &encryption, const QMultiHash< QString, QByteArray > &keyIds, QXmpp::TrustLevel trustLevel) | QXmppTrustManager | |
setTrustLevel(const QString &encryption, const QList< QString > &keyOwnerJids, QXmpp::TrustLevel oldTrustLevel, QXmpp::TrustLevel newTrustLevel) | QXmppTrustManager | |
trustLevel(const QString &encryption, const QString &keyOwnerJid, const QByteArray &keyId) | QXmppTrustManager | |
trustLevelsChanged(const QHash< QString, QMultiHash< QString, QByteArray > > &modifiedKeys) | QXmppTrustManager | |
tst_QXmppAtmManager (defined in QXmppAtmManager) | QXmppAtmManager | friend |
updateCounter(const QString &counter, qint64 amount=1) | QXmppLoggable | signal |
warning(const QString &message) | QXmppLoggable | inlineprotected |
~QXmppClientExtension() override (defined in QXmppClientExtension) | QXmppClientExtension | |
~QXmppTrustManager() (defined in QXmppTrustManager) | QXmppTrustManager |